Clapham Institute Blog

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Rescue Operation

We’re familiar with what happened at Easter. We’re less familiar with what happened a few weeks later. There was a rescue operation… for people like me.

Deep, Deep Eternity

Twenty years ago Bobby McPherrin had a hit, Don’t Worry. Be Happy. Now we’re unhappier than ever. And there’s far less joy in our songs. Is there a connection?

It Would Be Nice

When Sara and Stephen (our son) married, “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” kept playing in my head. The Beach Boys song reminds us of how times have changed.


Go back to 1938 and discover why the 2018 Spider-Man film is a hit. 1938 is when the first Superman comic book appeared. It’s also the year J. R. R. Tolkien addressed the question: Why fantasy literature?

Cultural Antennae

Today is Earth Day, a day we focus on the environment. We might also focus on Rachel Carson. She was the environment’s cultural antennae.

Cultivating Our Own Little Garden?

Jim Collins says companies make five “leaps” in going from good to great. The third one reminds us of Easter. It also reminds us of a challenge that many of us face.

A Why Wow

Great leaders and organizations start with why. But if you want why to feel like wow, watch these two videos.

Overlooked Hurdle?

We often face hurdles in coming to faith. In describing how he came to Christianity, C. S. Lewis felt he cleared one particular hurdle that most believers overlook.

Not Crazy After All

I occasionally hear from Christians who wonder if they’re crazy. They’re not, but you’d have to be familiar with Edwin Abbott to discover why.

Bad Battle Cry

When the unsustainable trajectory of entitlements was explained to President Trump, he reportedly said, “Yeah, but I won’t be here.” That’s the battle cry for many of us.