Episode 102: Oneness
Jesus prayed that those who believed in him would be one. What does that mean and how do we reconcile that with our multitude of denominations and expressions of the faith?
Jesus prayed that those who believed in him would be one. What does that mean and how do we reconcile that with our multitude of denominations and expressions of the faith?
Many churches celebrate Advent around the world but how many Christians know why we do? What can we do to bring this season to life for our children so they learn to engage in it early? In today’s conversation Mike, as always, steps back to shed light on the “why” behind Advent and offers helpful…
Recently I stumbled upon an article noting the rise in state government trifectas over the past some fifty years. My heart broke, thinking about the continued trend of even more heightened, modern polarization. In this episode, I seek Mike’s advice on what can be done to steer us towards a healthier political atmosphere. Books mentioned…
Ambidextrous organizations think and operate using both right and left hemispheres. You can find a good little video on establishing an ambidextrous infrastructure at https://claphaminstitute.org/businesses-with-an-ambidextrous-infrastructure. While the context of the conversation for this infrastructure is often bringing it into existing businesses, I wanted to get Mike’s advice on how to start a business with this…
As our kids grow up, how do we give them a strong start in gaining cultural capital? Are private schools better suited for this than public schools? In our conversation, Mike talks about the history of public education, its flaws and advantages. Books mentioned in this episode: Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the…
That’s not fair! I’m reminded of my time as a kid thinking this way, yet admittedly it’s not only a childhood expression. What is fairness and why is it often an unhelpful way to approach the world? This is the question I pose to Mike in today’s episode. Books mentioned in this episode: Joy at…
Today’s episode coincides with Mike’s column today. What does a left-brained society have to do with student loans? Mike offers some perspective. Books mentioned in this episode: Other People’s Money: The Real Business of Finance – John Kay
This is a followup episode to our first conversation on insecurity. Mike and I talk about insecurities and flaws, how solitude can help overcome insecurities, how insecurities are shaped in people and what communal/cultural practices might help avoid that.
In today’s conversation, Mike and I discuss insecurity. We end up turning to the Psalms and discover that insecurity has a deep connection to idolatry.
Taking cultural capital seriously changed the trajectory of my life and helped me discover a new frame in which I can live out my faith. I thought it might be helpful for Mike and I to revisit this idea, for our audience as well as for me personally. This is a complex topic with many…